Rotary Logo annual theme
Serving Berea, Middleburgh Heights
and Olmstead Falls

Charter Night for the Berea Rotary Club was Wednesday, October 22, 1952. It took place at the Colonial Gardens. Looking back on the past four decades, certain events sparkle with brilliance. We remember the Spring Charity Balls; the Theater Parties; the great Christmas Parties; the Reverse Raffles; the Between the Lakes Runs; and all the many special events like the Clam Bakes, the Steak Roasts, the Golf Outings, and the Basketball and Baseball Games.

In the past four decades we have graced many meeting places. They are: the Colonial Restaurant in downtown Berea, the Hopkins Airport Restaurant, the Coach House Restaurant, the Pewter mug, the Oven Grinding Company, the Sheldon Inn, Casey's, the Southwest Community General Hospital and the Olde Colony Room at BW.

Berea Rotary Club has provided four outstanding District Governors in John Soller(1964-65), Loy Green(1971-72), Damo Damodaran(1988-89), and David Skrzynski(1998-99). They were all Honored as Paul Harris Fellows along with the following outstanding members:
Allyn Adams* Loy F. Green* Sally King David T. Skrzynski
Hugh C. Arey Jackie Groza* David Kremser* Stanley Skrzynski
Jean Ballinger Lou Groza* Dale Lange James Slater
Lea Bardwell Robert Haas Marion MacLennan Patricia Slater
Henry M. Barr* Robert Hammer James Matcham John Soller*
William H. Beyer* Paul Harlamert Joseph R. Meyo Chuck Stanko
Gene Bittinger Mia Hart Edward Montgomery Judy Stull
Jim Bowen Richard E. Hart Ted Moss Kenneth L. Sumwalt
John Chapman Tim Huffman Donald Muntean H. Allen Tadych
Ken Clarke Robert C. Huge Kathleen Olmeda Mary Tadych
Mark A. Comstock Jeri Johansen John Petrasek* Lowell E. Walker
T. Damo Damodaran Jack Kafer Thomas C Porach, Sr. James N. Walters III
Marilyn Deucher Joan Kamper Mary Ellen Posze D. Marc West
Heather Dodig Rudolf D. Kamper* Gale Root* Edward W. Wiles
Ross Duncan Carol A. Kanaan* Grant Rider Hilary B. Wilson
James Forgac George D. Kanaan* Irving R. Ryan* Richard Ziegfeld
Doug Gailbraith Traci A. Kanaan Jim Sayler Ludo Zimmer*
Don Gleichauf Casey Kinsinger Beverly Skrzynski Lauren Zimmerman
In the past five decades Berea Rotary Club has sponsored many service projects. The major projects are: The Lankard Award; The Berea Rotary Foundation; The Merlin C. Hanely Award; The "ROCKS" Program.
Bob Huge
PO Box 55
Berea OH 44017

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The Past Presidents who served Berea Rotary are: *deceased
1952-53 George Beach* 1985-86 John Jones*
1953-54 Rudolph Ursprung* 1986-87 H. Allen Tadych
1954-55 Leland Asling* 1987-88 Gale Root*
1955-56 Harry Tangler* 1988-89 Ken Sumwalt
1956-57 Henry Barr* 1989-90 David Skrzynski
1957-58 Lional Norton* 1990-91 Doug Galbraith
1958-59 Luther Mohler* 1991-92 Gene Bittinger
1959-60 Loren Cook* 1992-93 Tim Huffman
1960-61 William Phillips* 1993-94 Lowell Walker
1961-62 John Soller* 1994-95 Judy Stull
1962-63 Henry Thacker* 1995-96 Irving Ryan*
1963-64 Joe Meyo* 1996-97 James Walters III
1964-65 John Whitney* 1997-98 Richard Ziegfeld
1965-66 Loy Green* 1998-99 Richard Hart
1966-67 Thomas Whited* 1999-00 Rudolf Kamper*
1967-68 Donald Thwaite* 2000-01 Oz Arey
1968-69 William Beyer* 2001-02 Hilary Wilson
1969-70 Willard Nopper 2002-03 Robert C. Huge
1970-71 Flynn Helmick 2003-04 Thomas C. Porach
1971-72 Joe Sestito 2004-05 Marilyn Deucher
1972-73 Harold Nygaard 2005-06 George D. Kanaan*
1973-74 Glenn Smith 2006-07 Kenneth A. Weber
1974-75 Robert Pennock 2007-08 Edward Montgomery
1975-76 Rodney Kay* 2008-09 Robert W. Hammer
1976-77 Gary Hack 2009-10 Sally R. King
1977-78 James Bowen 2010-11 Kathleen Olmeda
1978-79 Perry McDannel 2011-12 Michael Orr
1979-80 Edward Wiles 2012-13 Consolina Templeman
1980 .... Ray Davis 2013-14 Matthew Lombardi
1981 .... Don Gleichauf 2014-15 Linda Kramer
1981-82 Ken Clarke 2015-16 Judy Stull
1982-83 Don Melillo 2016-17 Robert C. Huge
1983-84 Damo Damodaran 2017-18 Robert C. Huge
1984-85 James Slater
In 1952 the Berea Rotary sponsoring club was the Rotary Club of Lakewood. The Rotary District was 229, later to be redistricted to 663(6630). The District Governor was Charles Naylor.
The officers were:
George Beach President
Rudy Ursprung Vice President
Harry Tangler Secretary
Lee Asling Treasurer
Clarence Penrose Sargent at Arms
The Charter Members are:
Lee Asling General Insurance
Henry Barr Commercial Photography
George Beach General Law Practice
Albert Bishop Public Accounting Service
Fred Buscher Landscape Architecture
John Halas Tool Manufacturing
Allen Lang Automobile Retailing
Frank Lankard College Administration
Ralph Meincke Furniture Manufacturing
Joseph Meyo Groceries Retailing
William Moodt Building Materials Retail
Robert Oatey Metal Roofing Manufacture
Clarence Penrose Agricultural Equipment Manufacturing
David Phillips Lumber Manufacturing
Warren Root Civil Engineering
Carl Rozelle Agricultural Equipment Retailing
E. Wesley Ryan Dentistry
Franklin Scott Architecture
Harry Tangler Bolt &Nut Manufacturing
Rudy Ursprung Building Construction